ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister of Energy ,Syed Ali Zafar chaired the board meeting of National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) on Thursday.
In the meeting, Federal minister highlighted the importance of energy conservation and efficiency. It was decided in the meeting that in the construction of new public buildings, the necessary energy conserving attributes should be present. These attributes are reflected in PC-1s and compliance mechanism for construction of buildings as per Building Energy conservation codes/Green Building Code. Planning Commission has been directed to ensure quick adoption of relevant PC-1 revised formats for the construction of public buildings.
The BOD approved the plan of development of National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy, launch of National Energy Conservation Awards Scheme and adoption of standardised industrial classification codes by Gas and Electricity utility companies, which will help in identification of Designated Consumers. The BOD also appreciated the successful initiative of Pakistan Energy Labelling Scheme of Fans and recommended similar initiative to be taken up on mandatory basis for refrigerators, Air Conditions and LED Light. Mandatory Energy labelling should be adopted to promote energy efficient products. The meeting was attended by Secretary Power, Mr. Rizwan Memon, Secretary Planning Division, Mr. Shoib Siddiqi and senior officials of Ministry of Petroleum, Ministry of Industries, Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Housing,OGRA and Designated Provincial Energy Efficiency departments.
Published in Daily Times, August 10th 2018.